Link Explanation
1 User's manual Manchester/NRZ User's Manual. The Manchester decoder also supports Manchester Bi-phase Mark and Manchester Bi-phase Space
2 encodingschemes.html Link to a useful Web Page explaining various encoding schemes.
3 encoding.htm Link to a useful Web Page explaining various encoding schemes.
4 Biphase_mark_code More details on Manchester versions.
5 Line_code An overview of Line Codes, to which Manchester and NRZ belong, but also i.e AMI, RZ, NRZi, 8b10b, MLT, etc.
6 Teledyne LeCroy Manchester D Data sheet and ordering information Link to the Teledyne LeCroy Data sheet for the Manchester Decoder Option.
7 Teledyne LeCroy Manchester Decoder manual Link to the Teledyne LeCroy Manual Instruction Manual for Manchester Decoder. The Manchester decoder also supports Manchester Bi-phase Mark and Manchester Bi-phase Space
Application Examples of MANCHESTER Decoder
Image Explanation
1 PSI5sensor125kbs_13bits_2start 10dataLsb_1Parity.trc

PSI5sensor125kbs_13bits_2start 10dataLsb_1Parity.png
PSI5 Application. The raw data is in the TRC file. The PNG file shows both the decoded results (Rel 7.1) as well as the settings needed. By downloading the TRC file it is possible to load it into a memory and verify the decoding.
2 DALI_1.2kbs_ForwardFrame_Add63 Cmd145QueryControlGear.trc

DALI_1.2kbs_ForwardFrame_Add63 Cmd145QueryControlGear.png
DALI Application. The raw data is in the TRC file. The PNG file shows both the decoded results (Rel 7.1) as well as the settings needed. By downloading the TRC file it is possible to load it into a memory and verify the decoding.
3 MVB_exemple_1.5MbPerSec.trc

MVB Application at 1.5 Mb/s. The raw data is in the TRC file. The BMP files show the resulting decoded image for both a Master Frame and a Slave Frame. Note that different decoder settings need to be used for Master and Slave.
4 DALI_DirectArcPower_OFF.trc.trc

DALI example of Decode Image
This second DALI example shows variations of the Direct Arc Power Command, in broadcast mode. The recorded files have been reloaded into 3 different memories. Then 3 independant decoders are used, with identical settings, to exemplify the 3 command variations one above each other.
5 Manchester Digital Input Decode This image shows a digital signal, decoded and annotated by the Manchester Decoder. There is no difference between decoding a digitally acquired signal with an analog signal, other then the look of the trace.

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